Should You Switch Up Your Motor Oil in Summer?

More than car battery replacement, tire change and repair, the issue of oil is often characterized by a proliferation of misinformation, controversy, outdated knowledge, and myth, surpassing that of nearly any other facet of car repair. Selecting the appropriate oil is a crucial aspect of maintaining the optimal functioning of an engine. However, what precisely does this entail? In this blog, we give you information you must bear in mind when deliberating about car engine oil change in Dubai.

It is imperative to maintain our vehicles, particularly the engines, at an optimal operating temperature that is neither excessively high nor excessively low. In the event that the temperature exceeds the designated range, it is plausible that fuel consumption and emissions may escalate, and there is also a possibility of accelerated wear and tear on the vehicle’s components, potentially leading to significant damage. It is evident that during the summer season, the temperature has a greater tendency to surpass the optimal range

The Role of the Engine and Coolants

The power generation process of the engine involves the combustion of fuel, which concurrently produces heat. The thermal energy released during combustion is initially conveyed to various engine components, including the tank and valves. Both engine oil and coolant are essential in regulating the temperature of the engine. The coolant plays a pivotal role in facilitating the cooling process. The rationale behind the intricate systems present in vehicles, including the radiator situated at the rear of the car grille, fans, and other related mechanisms, is to facilitate the cooling of water.

Do You Really Need to Change Engine Oil in Summer?

The label of thecar engine oil indicates its viscosity at a temperature of 100°C. Broadly speaking, the letter “W” typically denotes the season of winter. A lower numerical value preceding the letter W indicates superior low-temperature fluidity. The viscosity of engine oil at 100°C is directly proportional to the numerical value following the letter W, such that an increase in the numerical value corresponds to an increase in viscosity. When dealing with heavy-duty vehicles and high levels of wear, it is advisable to opt for an engine oil with a higher viscosity. Vehicle owners are advised to select appropriate oil products based on the specific usage and condition of their automobile. There is no specific requirement to change the engine oil during periods of high temperature.

Battmobile’s Recommendation

Ensuring adherence to the standard engine oil quantity is of utmost significance as it facilitates crucial lubrication for the optimal functioning of motor vehicles. Insufficient engine oil can lead to inadequate lubrication, which may result in significant engine wear and tear, even during short drives of a few hundred meters. Therefore, we strongly advise automobile proprietors to refrain from restarting their vehicle while the engine oil warning indicator is illuminated and the underlying issue has not been identified.

Moreover, the maintenance of a vehicle is intricately linked to the utilization ofcar engine oilchange. Engine oil has a finite lifespan and will undergo oxidation as a result of prolonged and high-temperature usage. The continuous presence of worn-off debris from metal parts can have a detrimental impact on the quality of the product. Hence, regular oil changes hold significant importance. One should consult the prescribed maintenance schedule outlined in the automobile manual and diligently monitor the condition of the engine oil in accordance with varying driving circumstances and vehicle specifications. The optimal functioning of an engine is contingent upon the maintenance of high-quality engine oil.

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