What Do Different Oil Grades Mean?

Oil is referred to as one of the world’s most prized resources for good reason. It is the liquid substance that instills life into objects and devices and makes them run – cars, for example. The car engine is the powerhouse that distributes competence to all other components. Therefore, keeping the car engine in good working condition is a must. And, one of the factors that help accomplish this is the quality of motor oil that you put inside your engine. When you would have taken your car for an oil service, you must have observed that the mechanic asks you your oil grade preference – 5W30, 15W40, 10W40, etc. These grades denote the viscosity (flowability) they possess. Every oil grade holds distinct characteristics and benefits. The following blog is an explainer – of what each oil grade signifies, its respective features, and why you must be knowledgeable about oil grades.

Viscosity Grade – What is It?

Cars have to endure tremendous wear and tear on the outside. It also puts the internal components under a lot of stress, as a result. The car oil, being the primary lubricant, has to have a certain viscosity, and other qualities, that allow it to function, and also ensure that the teamwork of all the other automotive spare parts stays intact.

The viscosity of an oil grade, by definition, is a measure of its capacity to flow inside the engine. When the viscosity of the oil is low, it becomes more fluid and flows more freely. High viscosity, on the other hand, indicates that the motor oil is too thick to flow easily, interfering with its capacity to lubricate other engine parts. If this occurs, the engine’s performance may be subpar, and your car’s movement may slacken as a result.

Viscosity Numbers – What Do They Mean?

The definition of a car oil’s flowability is determined by two numbers. The first digit comes before the letter ‘W,’ which indicates the “Winter” season. This parameter is linked to how oil runs in cold conditions, such as when starting an engine. The second number explains how oil moves at standard engine functioning temperatures.

  • In the cold, 5W-30 viscosity engine oil expands lesser than 10W-30 but higher than 0W-30. If your vehicle is used to commuting in cold weather conditions, the engine is likely to be compatible with 0W or 5W viscosity since the motor oil thickens due to lower temperatures.
  • On the other hand, the second digit following the “W” denotes the oil’s viscosity at 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius). This figure indicates how resistant the oil is to splitting at hot temperatures. To cite an example, a car in the UAE requires the 10W-30 oil as it will thin down faster than 10W-40 oil at higher temperatures.

Types of Oil Viscosity Grades

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has created a method for categorizing oils based on their viscosity grade at extremes of temperature – hot and cold.

  • Monograde oils: Monograde oils are developed for classic or older vehicles and are utilized across a limited temperature range. This category of oil is classified into two types based on the season of the year the vehicle is used in.
  • For the winters, it is recommended you install SAE 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, and 25W grade car oils. The oil viscosity is ideal for temperatures between -10°C to -35°C.
  • In the summer, use a car oil with a high viscosity grade that is not labeled ‘W,’ which means SAE 8, 12, 16, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 motor oils. The oil’s increased thickness will provide more coverage and protection in hot weather.
  • Multi-grade oils: This variety of motor oils is prominently used in modern-day vehicles. Because they are installed with innovative components, they are less likely to be adversely affected by temperate fluctuation, they are versatile, and can do their job well in all climates.

Choosing the Right Oil Viscosity for your Car

If your vehicle is up for oil change service, and you want to know about the oil brands and viscosity, feel free to call Battmobile (800 78278) at any time. Our skilled customer support staff will guide you based on your vehicle information. Also, when you book our oil change service, one of our 40 technicians will come to your location, in the mobile van, and provide you the servicing and assistance required – within 30 minutes!

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